The Powerful Energy of the Didgeridoo Sound

Even before our birth, while in our mother’s womb, our body was traversed by sounds and vibrations. This continued throughout our life.

The sound of the didgeridoo is closely linked to those we experienced in the protective womb of our mother.

Our body is receptive. It is itself energy, just like the waves formed by vibrations and sounds. Our body is vibration itself. Everything is in motion. By harnessing this force, healing or support for healing through vibrations and sounds can occur. This happens by acting on these energies to energize, temper, balance, or even reawaken them.

All musical instruments can be used for these purposes. But not all have the same abilities or characteristics.

The didgeridoo, an ancestral instrument of the Australian Aboriginals, is one of the oldest sounds ever heard on Earth, after singing and claves. It is deep, earthy. It bears witness to millennia of healing through vibration, within a people far more advanced than our current limited societal system.


didgeridoo used for vibrational healing utilisé pour guérison par la vibration

Healing Through Vibration and Sound (Vibrational Healing)

Vibrational healing is increasingly recognized in numerous therapies today. We are finally beginning to open up a little.

Of course, anything related to health tends to be monopolized by lobbies and restricted. But there is one element that remains free: the didgeridoo. I am grateful to have access to this instrument and to have received teachings 25 years ago from an Aboriginal elder, David Blanasi. If you’d like to learn more about me, visit this page: “ABOUT ME.”

The didgeridoo works on several levels.

Firstly, it emits a tone (note) unique to each instrument. Like any other musical instrument, this tone affects different areas and chakras of the body, and I select it based on your physical, energetic, and emotional state.

Secondly, it produces a powerful aerial vibration. The air column is set into motion by the play and vibration of the lips, then amplified. This vibration has a strong effect on you—both energetically on the surface of the skin and deeply within through low frequencies.

Thirdly, the didgeridoo is an energy channel. I, too, am merely an energy channel with this instrument, connecting the universe to Mother Earth. These beautiful energies, combined with the love I have to offer you, flow through this connection and reach you.

Energy flows. Everything is movement. Playing and directing the didgeridoo around and over your body, your aura, your organs, has a profoundly positive impact on your entire Being. I emphasize: I do not “do” anything. It is these activated energies that work for you. I remain humble in this process. My role is simply to give you love.

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The Benefits Received Are Related to the Goal Sought and Addressed:

  • Energetic and Emotional Blockages Released
    (Helps to leave the past behind, build self-confidence, heal pain and fears, and foster autonomy.)
  • Powerful Earthly Grounding
    (Connects you to Mother Earth, supports stabilization and emotional balance.)
  • Reactivation of Energy Circulation Through Work on Meridians
    (Enhances immune system health, activates the energies that make up your being.)
  • Harmonization, Balancing, or Stimulation of the Body’s Energy Points, Chakras
    (Balances the deep aspects of your Being on multiple levels.)
  • Energetic Contribution of Love in the Present Moment, as Well as Self-Love on a Subconscious Level
    (Receive unconditional love and learn to give it to yourself.)
  • Support for “Self-Healing” of Certain Physical, Energetic, or Spiritual Afflictions
    (Your body also works very effectively on its own!)
  • Massage on Multiple Levels: Skin, Muscles, Bones, and Energy
    (Promotes relaxation, activates liquid and energy flows in the body, aids in healing and reconstruction.)

I enjoy defining and feeling what will be most appropriate for you. By listening to you during the exchange we have before the session, the tones and the way I will play the instruments are chosen.

How Does a Session Work in Practice?

It is important to have no commitments after the session—no appointments, obligations, or sources of stress. Ideally, extend your personal time with a solitary walk in nature or a moment to yourself at home, allowing emotions to surface and giving yourself time to process and integrate what you’ve received and discovered.

The space is prepared by me before your arrival, just for you. I play the didgeridoo as part of this preparation—it is a sacred place.

We share a conversation over tea about what brings you here.

The atmosphere is gentle, cozy, and calm, with the soft glow of candlelight.

The treatment can be given while you are fully clothed, in underwear, or nude—you choose. The more skin exposed, the more the vibration is felt. Above all, nudity allows for deep surrender and a return to our original state at birth.

It is possible to customize the session, for example, by adding an optional relaxing classic massage with warm oils to better prepare for letting go. I will offer you a discount when you combine two treatments.

You lie down. It’s time to shift from the active, conscious state of external life to focusing on the present moment, turning your attention to your body, and gently opening yourself to self-awareness.

This vibrational treatment lasts about 1 hour. Whether it’s one hour or more, I take the time needed until I feel my work is complete.

To conclude, a moment of grounding, or “landing,” is necessary. I allow you the space to calmly regain your composure. (If you have chosen the relaxing massage option, you can shower afterward or leave the beneficial oils on your skin; a bathroom with towels is available.)

CONTACT ME for more information and to book your treatment.

The treatment is given on a futon, on the floor.

My treatments are not reimbursed by insurance. I do not wish to participate in this system anyway.

Duration of the treatment: 1 hour (not including welcome/grounding time), price: 150.-, payable via Twint, cash, or bank transfer in advance. (I do not accept cards on-site.) Plan for 2 hours between your arrival and departure.



CONTACT ME for more information and to book your treatment.



  • “This session with the vibrations of the didgeridoo was truly powerful for me. I have always loved this sound, but I had never experienced it in this way. What a beautiful journey. Fabien offered me an exceptional moment. I was deeply moved at the time, so it wasn’t all easy. But later, I felt many things unravel, particularly from my past. The didgeridoo truly grounds you strongly; you feel its earthy sound so deeply—it’s incredible. It makes your whole body vibrate; it’s a powerful energy.” — Christine

  • “It’s absolutely amazing to feel bathed in these vibrations, the warmth of the sound, the intensity of the emotions that are healed or processed—I experienced a very moving moment. I didn’t expect it. I managed to let go, even though my mind sometimes plays tricks on me. Fabien has a very gentle and attentive way of welcoming you. He offers a meaningful moment of sharing before the session, and his listening is so kind and comforting. This guy is truly touching, and the moment was overwhelming. The treatment has been effective for me and stayed with me for several days. Old fears came to the surface, but the power of the didgeridoo and the session broke through these blockages in a very beautiful way. I feel filled with love. Thank you!” — Christiana

  • “Vibrational healing with the didgeridoo: it’s extraordinary. The sound of the instrument is so deep and impressive. I immediately loved it—closing my eyes and being guided first by Fabien’s voice and then by the sound. We shared a lot before the session; Fabien wanted to understand me better, my reasons for coming, my interests, and my experiences. I really appreciated this. Then, he did energy work with his hands while I was in a fetal position on the futon. His voice guided me through imagery, followed by the first sounds of the didgeridoo. I experienced something very profound—I saw myself in my mother’s womb. The journey brought up many things, old wounds I thought were gone. A lot came out. I felt tired after the session and in the following days because it was heavy work, but afterward, I felt lighter and looked at myself and my past with fresh eyes. Pure happiness! I highly recommend it; it’s very effective!” — Amandine

  • “I chose this treatment with the didgeridoo to ground myself, take an inner journey, and heal certain energies. I decided to receive it nude because I have a beautiful relationship with my body and wanted to fully feel the vibrations. Fabien guided me as I lay down in a forest, and the journey was completely wild. He plays with so much heart, and this instrument is magical. It’s incredibly powerful. I struggle to explain everything that happens. I feel deeply grounded, stable, and comfortable in my skin. This is an experience I want to repeat. Fabien has a wonderful presence, is full of respect, and instills complete trust.” — Aline

  • “Healing through vibration with the didgeridoo is an amazing experience. I tend to be too much in my head, so I researched who or what could help me ground myself and find stability in myself and in this world. I heard about Fabien and the didgeridoo. Energetically, this instrument has such power—it’s crazy. I’ve practiced yoga and other grounding techniques. I have to say that what Fabien offers is truly astonishing. It’s raw, intense, deep grounding—very ‘roots’ and native. There’s no dithering; it’s straight to the center of the Earth! THANK YOU!” — Corine

  • “Well, nudity isn’t really my thing, so I asked for the didgeridoo vibration treatment while in underwear. That’s possible too, for those who might hesitate. He explains that the vibration is less felt and therefore less strong, but that energetically, it works just as well. The choice is yours, which I find great. The session was fantastic. Great welcome, sharing, and conversation. Fabien genuinely seeks to understand you and is very attentive. He is full of tenderness and gentleness, yet has a presence that is striking. The didgeridoo is something incredible. I loved feeling the breath and vibration across my entire body, but it was the journey I experienced that was truly remarkable. First, you relax (I chose a simple relaxing massage to start), and then you take the big leap. I felt myself rooting deeply—it’s incredible. Classy!” — Ada

  • “I can only recommend these treatments. I greatly enjoyed this therapy through vibration. It works deeply, so deeply—it’s incredible. After a while, with my eyes closed in this warm room, I felt myself sinking into the ground while my body was traversed by these vibrations—it’s truly impressive. It freed me a lot. I don’t know how it works, but the energies are strong. I cried and felt genuinely unblocked with regards to emotional knots in my heart. Thank you for helping me!” — Mélanie

  • “Excellent moment with Fabien. The sound of the didgeridoo really helps with grounding. A beautiful inner journey, well-guided. He has great strength, and I felt completely at ease throughout.” — Julie

  • “I chose the energetic vibration treatment with the didgeridoo, nude version, and it was amazing. The ambiance was very intimate, with a single candle further away in the room, so I didn’t feel awkward, and Fabien is incredibly respectful. This instrument, its vibration on the skin, and the incredible sound transport you to another world. A real journey, from which I emerged feeling amazing and recharged. We worked on grounding, and what he offers is truly top-notch. I highly recommend it!” — Coline

  • “This is an instrument with a surprising sound and a treatment that’s equally surprising. I must admit I arrived with doubts. I decided to receive this treatment nude, following a recommendation from a friend who had been. I wasn’t opposed to the nudity but was still intrigued. The fact that the room was lit by candles in a warm, safe cocoon helped me. Fabien’s explanations and voice also reassured me, and my fears quickly faded once I lay down on the futon, and he started playing. I realized that nudity helped me let go, shed my armor, and take an extra step. I felt like I was lying in a meadow, naked, free, watching my fears leave me—currents carrying away my pain and untying many knots. I cried, I cried a lot, an enormous amount. It did me so much good. Incredible.” — Giulia